Saturday, January 24, 2009

Good News for People Who Love Bad News

I haven't posted much in the last week or so, if only because nothing interesting is really going on, aside from the usual dramas.

Roommate 1 / bff is wallowing right now. Last semester I was casually seeing this guy - we went on a few dates (a formal date? in college? I know, I was shocked too), he said a lot of really sweet things. I was genuinely ready to turn in my party girl stilettos and maybe settle down.

Then he got weird. Not replying to messages, disappearing for days a time, when he did want to hang out, it'd be a group thing and he'd call my roommate to set things up. 

I was out of town for a week and come home to everyone acting very suspiciously. To make a long story short, they had been seeing each other behind my back. A lot of tears and arguing later, my bff (as she will be referred to from here on out on the blog) decided she wanted to pursue things with this guy.

Fast forward two months and everyone is civil, even friendly. I've realized that I avoided a romantic grenade with this one - he's far too needy than I could handle.

On the downside, they fight a bunch and she'll lay in bed all day and mope. So he's not even my boyfriend, yet he's still managing to (relatively) ruin my life. Charming.

I did get some good news though: If my schedule works out the way I'm hoping (fingers are crossed), I won't have any finals. Meaning I get out of school a week and a half early. Meaning I can satisfy some of my wanderlust and visit my friends studying abroad.

I just need to find a (legal) way to make $1000. Any suggestions?


  1. Get a job? Maybe? But I know how bad the market is right now.

    As far as the bff/needy guy Needy guys suck, period. You, my darling, definitely dodged a bullet :)

  2. Im sorry, i got upset reading your supposed-to-be friend seeing a guy you like behind your back. What kind of friend is that? sorry i dont mean to judge. Maybe its just a rule between me and my girlfriends, no seeing each other potential bf, bf, crushes, and exes..
