I don't think I've typed these words since I was in junior high school and adventuring into the realm of instant messenger for the first time. However, I have all the symptoms: butterflies in the stomach, hair flipping, nervous giggling.
One of my one campus jobs has about 80 employees; I recently worked a rotation with one I had never met and the four hour shift literally flew by.
Pluses: He caught my nerdy references (such as when I mentioned Caligula), he makes mixed CDs and he considers Natalie Portman in Garden State to be his ideal woman (a guy once compared me to her; I still consider it the greatest compliment I've ever gotten).
Drawbacks: He plays his acoustic guitar at coffee houses (ack. emotions?), he wears white tennis shoes with jeans (I abhor tennis shoes outside of exercise) and he may or may not have a girlfriend (his relationship status isn't listed on Facebook and his wall is taken over by some girl)
The jury's out on how this will end up, but for now, I don't mind the ride. There's nothing wrong with a few unnecessary butterflies.